raised beds

Fujino Pink' spirea i

Pink wands of early spirea

Beckie Fox

Spireas are generally bulletproof shrubs, easily found at most garden centres. Many of us are familiar with the ubiquitous bridal wreath variety (Spiraea x vanhouttei), blooming in early June. New cultivars of Japanese spirea (S. japonica) are popular, too.

Raised Bed Revolution: Build it, Fill it, Plant it … Garden Anywhere! A new book by Tara Nolan.

Creative ways to use raised beds

Garden Making

In her new book "Raised Bed Revolution" Tara Nolan explains the basics and benefits of gardening with raised beds.

Just a few of the plants that will end up in the holes of the cinderblocks that edge my new raised bed. Marigolds, including some Kilimanjaro White that I’m starting from seed), herbs, zinnias, snapdragons and other flowers will fill the cinderblocks, making them look more pretty than utilitarian.

Building a raised garden bed

Kat Fox

When building a raised garden bed, you can use almost any material — straw bales, rocks, concrete, logs. A popular choice is lumber.

Raised beds for gardening are great

Beckie Fox

Raised beds for gardening — beds with soil higher than the surrounding area — are a popular way to corral the chaos in vegetable or cutting gardens.
