Plant a tree at the right depth
When planting trees, what’s often overlooked is how to plant a tree at the right depth. This is important for tree health.
When planting trees, what’s often overlooked is how to plant a tree at the right depth. This is important for tree health.
Raised beds for gardening — beds with soil higher than the surrounding area — are a popular way to corral the chaos in vegetable or cutting gardens.
A garden coach helps people become better gardeners. A coach is an extra tool for people who like to garden, but need some expert guidance.
Bindweed must be cut to remove. Convolvulus arvensis, commonly called field bindweed is a creeping perennial with roots that can penetrate up to 5 metres.
A way to extend the all-too-short but oh-so-glorious peony season is to include tree peonies in your garden. Paeonia suffruticosa hybrids bloom a week or two earlier than P. lactiflora […]