Jodi DeLong

Pretty markings on Anemonopsis. (Photos by Jodi DeLong)

The thrill of finding a new-to-me plant — Anemonopsis

Jodi DeLong

Anemonopsis macrophylla is a native of Japan, a member of the buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family, and related to hellebores, anemones, ranunculus and trollius.

The scents of it all

Jodi DeLong

When Jodi DeLong walks in her garden, she breathes in the scents – layers of fragrance from petite sprigs of lavender to huge blooms of angels’ trumpet.

For the love of monarchs

Jodi DeLong

Jodi DeLong plants rosy milkweed (Asclepias incarnate) and several of its relatives to support monarch butterflies. Monarchs are pollinating insects.

The joys of sharing plants

Jodi DeLong

Nova Scotia gardener Jim Smith shows the joy of sharing plants with a Dominion Day rose. Its red-and-white striped buds normally open on Canada Day.

Ostrich ferns (Photo by Jodi DeLong)

Fiddleheads for spring

Jodi DeLong

In May, fiddleheads are a rite of spring in Atlantic Canada. Ostrich ferns are the source of the delectable fiddlehead.
