Canadian Gardener’s Guide updated for 2019

Canadian Gardeners Guide

The third edition of Canadian Gardener’s Guide, edited by Lorraine Johnson, is being in March 2019, just in time for prime gardening season. Last updated in 2015, the expanded edition, published by DK Canada, includes several new features, such as cold frame gardening, rain gardens and backyard homesteading.

Originally published in Great Britain, the Canadian version is edited by Johnson to reflect Canada’s particular growing conditions. Plants are labelled with Canadian hardiness zones and a section on native plants, as well as numerous planting schemes, diagrams, design ideas, advice on pests and diseases, and more than 1,000 photos make this a useful reference book for new to experienced gardeners.

Lorraine Johnson
Lorraine Johnson

Johnson is the author of numerous gardening books including 100 Easy-to-Grow Native plants for Canadian Gardens and is a regular speaker.

Buy the book

Canadian Gardener’s Guide 3rd edition, editor Lorraine Johnson, is published by DK Canada.

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Draw for the new Canadian Gardener’s Guide

Congratulations to Ev M of Toronto whose entry was randomly selected from 1,057 entries in our draw that closed March 29. Ev will receive a copy of the new 3rd edition of the Canadian Gardener’s Guide from book publisher DK Canada. Read about how we make a random selection. View past prizes.



17 responses to “Canadian Gardener’s Guide updated for 2019”

  1. crystal sivell Avatar
    crystal sivell

    I always look forward to learning something new about my gardening. I go back to information in other Lorraine Johnson books I have. over and over. Happy Spring in the garden!

  2. paul moffatt Avatar
    paul moffatt

    Snow is still deep here ,but I look forward to morel picking season and for my over 100 Hostas and dozens of other perennials poking their heads through the humus..Ice is thick on the lake,giving me lots of time to think of planting new plants and shrubs as well as veggies after mother nature finally relinquishes the land to us

  3. Bob Waldon Avatar
    Bob Waldon

    I will look at Lorraine’s book for help on why and how we wound up with dog strangling vine in the garden last year, but we no longer have a dog! ;o)

  4. susan Avatar

    As I anxiously watch my garden waiting for the spring blooms it looks like this book would be a great way to kick off the season.

  5. David White Avatar
    David White

    Have gardened since I learned to walk around seventy-two years ago. Have moved from eight acres to tiny city lot. Would enjoy getting some inspiration from this fine looking book of Canadian content.

  6. Sharon Fenn Avatar
    Sharon Fenn

    This book looks intriguing and would love to have a copy to use to help with updating my back garden. I have found a native plant nursery in our region and had them to the gardening club I belong to to give a presentation. So interesting and such a help in planning for a more native plant garden in order to help the bees, butterflies and birds.

  7. Carol Wallace Avatar
    Carol Wallace

    I love gardening and always looking for good Canadian reference material. The Canadian Gardener’s Guide looks like a wonderful book and I would love to have a copy.

  8. Bev Sayers Avatar
    Bev Sayers

    I have been gardening for a long time, I try hard but not always successful. Would love to win to get even better at it.

  9. betty smet Avatar
    betty smet

    Looks like a wonderful book to win. I am always looking for native plants that I can put in our woodland garden. We find it hard with all the tree roots to have enough moisture for certain plants. We have hepaticas that we found in the woods before putting in the grass and flower beds they are so pretty first thing in the spring, also have white and red trilliums, wild ginger and other flowers that I have totally forgotten their names.
    It would be great to win this book.

  10. Lois Avatar

    So nice to have Canadian content and native plants. I am a passionate gardener and can’t get enough garden information!!

  11. Marylea Burtt Avatar
    Marylea Burtt

    I love gardening and started a small garden group in my area called the ” green thumb,”we get together and discuss our gardens using material from your newsletters.

  12. Charlotte Vorstermans Avatar

    I too have a copy of your 100 easy to grow native plants and I love this book and have shared it with my gardening friends. A real treasure and full of information and pictures!

  13. Marlene Stubbs Avatar
    Marlene Stubbs

    I have a much loved copy of 100 Easy-to-Grow Native Plants for Canadian Gardens and look forward to seeing the updated Canadian Gardener’s Guide.

  14. Lynne King Avatar
    Lynne King

    Thank you for all that you do. I really enjoy getting the emails and gardening updates, especially through this YoYo winter and bitter weather.
    Cheers, Lynne

  15. Linda Mosher Avatar
    Linda Mosher

    What a delightfully enticing cover for this updated guide. How could anyone not open the cover and ‘need’ to peek inside. would love to have a copy for my daughter who is just getting the gardening itch!!


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