Niagara Master Gardeners Seedy Saturday
Meridian Community Centre Fonthill 100 Meridian Way, Fonthill, ON, CanadaMaster Gardeners of Niagara invites you to Niagara Seedy Saturday 2025 on Feb. 15 in Fonthill.
Master Gardeners of Niagara invites you to Niagara Seedy Saturday 2025 on Feb. 15 in Fonthill.
Ancaster Horticultural Society presents Michael Albanese, owner of Avesi
Storm Water and Landscape Solutions on “Rain Gardens”
North York Garden Club on Feb. 24 presents Sarah Coulber speaking on Gardening for Wildlife: “Garden Power – Creating Beautiful and Beneficial Spaces.”
An introduction to the composting process including the role of microbes, greens and browns, carbon to nitrogen ratios, moisture levels, the importance of temperature and a definition for finished compost.
Georgina-Brock Garden Club on March 10 presents Dan Galea of Plant Pals presents Plant Propagation 101.
The previous workshop provided information about the composting process. This workshop is more hands on and looks at various methods for completing both hot and cold composting. Hot composting is […]
Ancaster Horticultural Society presents Heidi Mungal owner of Generations Marketplace and Learning Centre on
“Modern Day Homesteading”
Vermicomposting is a way of using earth worms to compost organic material. One benefit of this method is that it can be done in the home using special bins that require a very small space.
Pefferlaw Seedy Saturday is March 29.