February 10 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Agincourt Garden Club MONTHLY MEETING Monday, Feb. 10 by Zoom!
Using Zoom means we won’t have to drive on the slippery winter roads at night.
(If you don’t know how to use Zoom on your computer, please approach your younger tech savvy relatives; invite yourself over to your friend’s house and/or visit the local library, well before the meeting to practice. )
FYI, there is no flower show this meeting.
Start time: 7:00 pm Welcome to all novice, regular and expert gardeners and guests. Corniest gardening joke.
Headliner: Expert David Hawke will teach us about Wild Flowers, Their Names and Meanings. Questions at the end.
Announcements: updates on new projects, events and news
Socializing, gabbing, laughing but you will have to provide your own light refreshments this time!!!
Where: by Zoom, codes are posted in the Agincourt Garden Club Newsletter and/or contact Cheryl by email for the codes