Have a stinkin’ good time and attend a local garlic festival. The following is a list of garlic festivals in Canada. For more information about a festival, visit the festival website or check our events listings.

British Columbia
- Pender Harbour Garlic Festival,Pender Harbour Lions Park, Sunshine Coast Hwy. Contact: Neale or Niki Smith, 604-883-3693 or[email protected]. Info: penderharbourgarlicfestival.ca
- Grindrod Garlic Festival, Grindrod Park, Grindrod. Contact: Gabriele Wesle, 250-838-6581 or [email protected]. Info: greencroftgardens.com
- South Cariboo Garlic Festival, Lac la Hache. Contact: Gail Szolosi, 250-397-2540 or[email protected] Info: garlicfestival.ca
- Hills Garlic Festival, Centennial Park, New Denver. Contact: Ellen Kinsel, 250-358-2459 or [email protected]. Info: hillsgarlicfest.ca
- Andrew Garlic Festival, Andrew Community Centre, Andrew. Contact: Carri Hrehorets, 780-699-4880 or[email protected]
- Pembina Valley Honey Garlic & Maple Syrup Festival, Fairgrounds, Manitou. Contact: [email protected]. Info: rmofpembina.com/honey-garlic.html
- Perth Garlic Festival, Fairgrounds, Perth. Contact: 877-268-2833 or [email protected]. Info: perthgarlicfestival.com
- Carp Farmers’ Market Garlic Festival, Farmers’ Market, Carp. Contact:[email protected] Info: carpfarmersmarket.com
- Garlic is Great Festival, Farmers’ Market, Newmarket. Contact: Deanna Smith, 905-895-5193 or[email protected]. Info: newmarket.ca/en/events
- Garlic Fest, Location TBA; organized by Haliburton County Garlic Growers Association. Contact: Sheila Robb 705-489-4201or[email protected]. Info: haliburtongarlic.ca
- Canadian Garlic Festival, Hnatyshyn Park, Sudbury. Contact: Mary Stefura or Mike Sharko 705- 673-7404 or [email protected]. Info: sudburytourism.ca/index
- Verona Lions Garlic Festival, Lions Hall, Verona. Contact: Wayne Conway 613-374-3807 or [email protected]. Info: veronalions.ca
- Stratford Garlic Festival, Old Stratford Fairgrounds. Contact: Ron Deichert 519-271-2764 or[email protected]. Info: stratfordgarlicfestival.com
- Toronto Garlic Festival, Evergreen Brick Works, Toronto. Contact: [email protected]. Info: torontogarlicfestival.ca.
- Niagara Garlic Festival, 758 Old Stone Rd, Niagara-on-the-Lake. Contact: 905-682-0171 or [email protected]. Info: niagaragarlicfestival.com
- The Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue Garlic Festival, Contact: Daniel Brisebois 450-452-4271 or [email protected]
Nova Scotia
- Stinking Rose Garlic Festival, Watershed Farm, Baker Settlement. Contact: 902-685-3901 or [email protected]. Info: watershedfarm.org
- Avondale Garlic Festival, Avondale Sky Winery, Newport Landing, NS. Info: www.avondalegarlicfest.com
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More about garlic on Garden Making
4 fabulous ways to harvest homegrown garlic
Also, see the article by Liz Primeau in the Fall 2012 issue of Garden Making magazine.
Check out the Lower Nicola Garlic Festival in Lower Nicola, BC. It is always held on the last full weekend of September. This year, September 28 & 29, 2024.
Hi there.
I am having a difficult time trying to find the date for the 2017 Niagara Garlic Festival. When I click on “Info” for the garlic fest it takes me to info for the lavender fest.
Thanks in advance!
We suggest you contact the lavender farm because they were involved in organizing the previous garlic festival.
Hello there is an amaing garlic festival in Cornwall on the last Sunday of August. It is a pretty happening event.