attracting hummingbirds

The Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Jeanne McRight

As Ontario’s only breeding hummingbird, this delightful little garden visitor is welcome anytime! Join Stephanie Keeler, from The Riverwood Conservancy, ...

Purple Wave petunia. Photo by Brendan Adam-Zwelling

Scented petunias

Judith Adam

I want to entice hummingbirds to stay longer in the garden, so I’m interested in knowing more about scented petunias. I’ve grown Madness Plum Crazy petunia.

Redbud branches can be forced to bloom early indoors. (Photo from WikiMedia Commons)

Forcing spring branches

Judith Adam

When forcing spring branches, use the younger branches of woody plants which usually carry the most flower buds, and appear more round and puffy than the slimmer leaf buds. When forcing spring branches, cut a cross with a sharp knife or secateurs into the bottom inch of each stem to encourage water uptake.
