Cutting your own boughs for holiday decorations
For tabletop and mantel decorations from evergreen branches, your garden can provide boughs of cedar, boxwood, fir, juniper, hemlock and spruce.
Designing a beautiful winter container
Designing a beautiful winter container is more about artfully arranging cut branches than growing colourful plants in your outdoor planter.
Forcing bulbs and dreaming of spring
If you still have some bulbs to plant, try growing them in containers indoors. Forcing bulbs provides mid-winter blooms.
Make your own winter arrangements
Winter containers use branches from shrubs and trees to add colour and texture for winter arrangements that will last until spring.
Caring for poinsettias
Tips on caring for poinsettias. Once, holiday poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima) were always red. But now there’s beautiful pink, white, plum, cranberry.
Overwintering succulents
Overwintering succulents requires a sunny spot to live in and go dormant until spring. They don’t need to get watered until they’re coming out of dormancy.
Christmas cactus are easy to grow
Christmas cactus are easy plants to grow, and most problems are related to flowering. They need a slightly dry, cool and dark resting phase in autumn.
Dwarf conifers in winter gardens
Now is the time to consider the winter garden, and my hope is that you have some dwarf conifers to give character and substance in this cold season.