How should raspberry canes be pruned?
A reader asks how to prune the canes of raspberries that produce in July, then a second crop in September/ October.
Where can I buy witch-hazel?
Hamamelis virginiana, our native witchhazel which blooms in fall, as well as H. vernalis are cold hardy for Edmonton.
Why won’t my passion flower bloom?
Judith Adam responds to reader question about a passion flower plant that’s growing green leaves but not many flowers.
How to treat powdery mildew on rosemary?
When I bring my rosemary plants into the house for the winter, they get a powdery mildew that kills new growth. How do I treat this?
Why won’t my eucomis bloom?
Why won’t my eucomis bloom? They did bloom the first few years, but for the past three, they have grown only leaves. I give them lots of sun and water, and occasional fertilizer.
How can I eliminate crabgrass?
How can I eliminate crabgrass? Unfortunately with this year’s drought the only thing growing is crabgrass. So far, I have been digging it out.
How to overwinter amaryllis?
I stopped watering my amaryllis at the beginning of September as usual. As I was about to store them, they started growing new flower stems! I have been growing amaryllis for 20 years and this has never happened. What should I do?
What are suitable plants for windy balconies?
What are suitable plants for a windy north facing fifth floor balcony in Toronto (zone 6)? I am looking for plants that can withstand the wind, and can do reasonably well without much direct sunlight.
Why aren’t my pothos plants growing?
I planted cuttings of my variegated pothos that had been rooted in water. That was over a year ago and they have not grown a centimetre.
How to eradicate rose slug sawflies?
How to eradicate rose slug sawflies? Each year they devastate my roses, and this year they added Mountain Ash to their menu. I try and keep up by picking them off daily, and I spray with the appropriate bug spray. Even so I cannot keep up. The Mountain Ash is now a skeleton, except for a few of the lower branches!