Food to grow where deer roam
Here’s more ideas for food that you can grow in areas where deer roam, including rhubarb, sorrel, garlic and culinary herbs.
Among the healthiest foods we can eat, homegrown garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Garlic can be enjoyed four ways: as young or mature bulbs, scapes and greens.
Garlic begins making roots in fall, just as soon as it’s buried in soft, rich soil. A big garlic clove on planting day make big heads next summer.
Here is a basic guide on how to plant garlic. In order to harvest your own tasty garlic next year, you need some tasty garlic to plant this year.
The garlic has matured early this season and is ready to be pulled. The warm period in March accelerated growth of buried garlic seed cloves.