“A spring cover of a gardening magazine should portray optimism,” says Garden Making Design Director Gary Hall about our Spring issue which has a six-page package on crabapples with new information and some inspiring photos. “This is the time of year when we are all craving the outdoors and a chance to be in our gardens.
“The crabapple blossoms are a breath of fresh air, and present the reader with an eye-catching image. By playing off the delicate forms and colours of the blossoms, the cover’s colour palette combines a lyrical headline treatment with a wide selection of practical and enticing cover lines to reinforce this sense of optimism. The result is a cover that provides the reader with a striking visual statement on the possibilities for the coming season.”
Gardeners are always keen to know what’s new in the plant world and the Spring issue of Garden Making has lots to entice you:
- We have features about crabapples and astrantias, new annuals, the best peas and rhubarb.
- If your lawn needs renovating or you’re putting in a new one, we’ll tell you why growing a lawn from seed-not sod-might be your best option.
- “You can’t have a good garden without good soil,” says Garden Making Editor-in-Chief Beckie Fox. “If you’re a new gardener bewildered by the bags and boxes of soil enhancers you see at the garden centre, our seminar on soil amendments will help you decide what you need.”
- Looking for a new shovel or spade? This issue’s Garden Gear column tells you what you need to know to make a good buying decision.
- Our two garden profiles are as beautiful as they are different from one another-a large, rambling, rural garden in Nova Scotia and a small, formal city garden in Ontario. Both offer plenty of inspiration for readers looking for new ideas to try in their own gardens.
- Every garden space presents its own challenges-sometimes it’s poor soil, too much shade, too little privacy. In this issue, we offer advice for two common challenges: landscaping ideas for corner lots; plants and planting techniques help tame a slope.