spring shrubs
Fun for gardeners at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair
I’ve gone to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair every November since 1994, but it has only been the past few years I’ve noticed all the gardening and agricultural displays. I’ve
Urban beehives make tasty honey
Healthy bee colonies are important. Here’s what can we do to help make bees happy. Info about the role of urban bee colonies? She where honey come from.
Tree & Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm tasting
Kat Fox taste-tests her way through the Tree and Twig Heirloom Vegetable Farm, and learns about the importance of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).
Beautiful gardens on Applewood Garden Tour
The recent Applewood Garden Tour in Mississauga, Ont., included the garden of Liz Primeau, a regular contributor to Garden Making and the author of several gardening books, as well as
Tips for flower arrangements from your garden
Beyond the usual roses and peonies, many plants make gorgeous arrangements for inside. Here are some tips for flower arrangements from your garden.
The hardy plant society’s super plant sale
This past Sunday was the Ontario Rock Garden and Hardy Plant Society‘s annual plant sale, held at the Toronto Botanical Garden. With a lineup beginning almost an hour before the
Garden centre preview of new plants
There are some exciting new plants this year at all garden centres and nurseries, and here are some highlights of President’s Choice’s offerings (true to form, my new plants highlights are mostly edibles!)
Making happy, healthy soil
Adding organic matter at the beginning, and regularly throughout the year, is the key to making happy and healthy soil.