warty pumpkins
After 80 years, Veseys still growing
Veseys Seeds, based in York, Prince Edward Island, celebrated its 80th anniversary in 2019. The mail order pioneer has clearly taken root in a broad swath beyond its Atlantic Canada origins.
Starting seeds indoors
Seeds of annual flowers and vegetables are easy to germinate and grow on to seedling stage, either indoors under lights or outdoors directly in the garden. There are basic protocols for soil, light and moisture, with specific requirements applying to individual plant species.
Petunia Tidal Wave Red Velour grabs attention
Petunia Tidal Wave Red Velour is grabbing attention becuase of its glamorous colour and bold growing habit.
How to divide and store dahlia tubers
How to lift, divide and store dahlia tubers for next year’s garden. Colourful dahlias make a superb cut flower, but need to be stored over the winter.
How to store calla and canna lilies
In the fall, you can store calla and canna lilies for next year. Both are easy to overwinter. Dugald Cameron explains how to bring plants indoors.
How to store tuberous begonias for the winter
Tuberous begonias are often flowering at their best in late summer, just when it’s time to bring them indoors. How to store tuberous begonias over winter.
Protect evergreen shrubs and trees in winter
Evergreen shrubs and trees might give the impression that they’re tough and resilient, but evergreens require protection to avoid winter injuries.
Beautiful pumpkins — warts and all
The arrival of seed catalogues coincides with the end of pumpkin season. Plant hybridizers now are evolving beautiful “ugly” heirloom pumpkins.
Gaura and goldenrod: An autumn marriage
Well-behaved goldenrod cultivars are useful plants to have in mid-autumn. Goldenrod combines well with gaura, a compact cultivar.
Ornamental grasses in bloom
Roses and ornamental grasses in the front garden continue to bloom and prolong the seasonal display, much appreciated in autumn