
Bob Osborne updates Hardy Roses guide

hardy roses book

Hardy Roses: The Essential Guide for High Latitudes and Altitudes, by Bob Osborne, is a new edition in 2020. Osborne, owner of Corn Hill Nursery in New Brunswick, has grown all of the roses he writes about, notably in harsh winter conditions without insecticides.

Feed the Birds book features 196 species

Feed the Birds book cover

If you want to attract or identify birds in your garden, Feed the Birds could help. Designed as a resource for beginners as well as experienced birdwatchers, the book details 196 bird species attracted to backyard bird feeders with explanations about their behaviour and how they adapt to the environment. It also discusses a wide variety of feeders and seed types.

Savings Seeds guide to preserving plant biodiversity

Saving Seeds book cover

Saving Seeds book advocates that home gardens have the potential to preserve vital biodiversity, if only we would let plants go to seed, harvest and preserve them. Saving Seeds, covers the essentials of seed saving, including seed selection criteria, harvest and storage tips, the role of seed-saving communities and seed companies.

New ideas for planting a natural garden


Planting the Natural Garden, by Piet Oudolf and Henk Gerritsen is an updated and expanded edition of Oudolf’s popular book, first published 30 years ago, that introduced us to the beauty and benefits of using native and naturalistic plants in our gardens.
