
Modern Day Homesteading

Ancaster Horticultural Society presents Heidi Mungal owner of Generations Marketplace and Learning Centre on
“Modern Day Homesteading”

Campbellford & District Horticultural

Campbellford & District Horticultural Society

Campbellford & District Horticultural Society…Serving all of Trent Hills presents speaker Kat Kinch’s [Master Gardener, weekend botanizer, watercolour artist, writer and local litigator] “Liven Up Your Lot Line” presentation.

Landscape design expert Aaron Fox

Creating Naturalistic Planting Communities – Part 2

Landscape design expert Aaron Fox, our guest presenter, will review the concepts of naturalistic planting design from his fall Part 1 webinar and demonstrate how to use them to design a naturalistic plant community that provides an appropriate balance between supporting biodiversity and providing aesthetic value. 
