Modern Day Homesteading
Ancaster Horticultural Society presents Heidi Mungal owner of Generations Marketplace and Learning Centre on
“Modern Day Homesteading”
Ancaster Horticultural Society presents Heidi Mungal owner of Generations Marketplace and Learning Centre on
“Modern Day Homesteading”
Ancaster Horticultural Society presents Michael Albanese, owner of Avesi
Storm Water and Landscape Solutions on “Rain Gardens”
Campbellford & District Horticultural Society…Serving all of Trent Hills presents speaker Kat Kinch’s [Master Gardener, weekend botanizer, watercolour artist, writer and local litigator] “Liven Up Your Lot Line” presentation.
Landscape design expert Aaron Fox, our guest presenter, will review the concepts of naturalistic planting design from his fall Part 1 webinar and demonstrate how to use them to design a naturalistic plant community that provides an appropriate balance between supporting biodiversity and providing aesthetic value.
Expert David Hawke will teach us about Wild Flowers, Their Names and Meanings on this online Zoom meeting of the Agincourt Garden Club on Feb. 10.