
We’ve improved the event listings

We are barely 35 days into 2019 but already more than 400 events have been submitted for listing on the Garden Making website. With so much interest, we wondered which format would be preferred to view events: a calendar or a list by dates. To find out, we asked a one-question survey of people who have submitted events or who viewed the events pages. With 178 responses, 54% liked the list and 46% liked the calendar. So, to keep everyone happy, we’re now providing both.

Garden Making events survey
Format preferences of the 178 responses to our survey.

We had more than 50 comments. For instance, there were a number of useful suggestions:

  • Calendar had been Monday to Sunday, but people asked for Sunday to Saturday, so we changed it.
  • Calendar shows all events, but people wanted to see only their province or area, so we’ve added search and filter options.
  • People asked us to group events by topic, so we’ve added some lists:
  • Our listings were all sorted by date, but with so many events in Ontario and British Columbia, people found it hard to scan for events near where they live. So we’ve changed those provinces to showing listings by location with more prominence to town and city names.
  • We can only publish the info that people provide, but some users think that everyone should try to provide contact info such as email or website links.

Many people took time to thank us for providing the listings. Several groups say that they’ve added new members as a result of listing their events on Garden Making.

Several groups have already submitted their full calendar of monthly events. There are sessions across the country about pollinators, rain gardens, seed starting and many other topics including – for the first time – cannabis.

Because this is a free service, we try to make it as simple as possible for us to process the listing of new events. But we do need to review each one to make sure the content is appropriate, so there can be a delay of a few days.

Links to view events

View Canada Calendar | View by province: BC | AB | SK | MB | ON | QC | NB | NS | PE | NL | View by type: Garden tours | Plant sales | Seedy Saturdays

List your event

Garden Making provides these free listings of events for Master Gardeners, horticultural societies, botanical gardens, and other local groups as a public service. We welcome new listings of your Seedy Saturdays, plant sales, garden tours and more. Help more people discover your events. Submit an event

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