All are welcome and free to attend the Ancaster Horticultural Society’s Tuesday April 19, 2022 monthly meeting with guest speaker, Darren Heimbecker, owner, Botanical Garden creator/designer of Whistling Gardens. We are happy to announce that after 2 years our meeting is ‘in person’ and not online. We meet at the Old Town Hall on Wilson St. in Ancaster. The meeting starts at 7:30pm with a short social and refreshments followed by Darren’s presentation, ‘What’s New at Whistling Gardens’. We ask that all people attending wear a mask, socially distance themselves from others and use the hand sanitizer that is available. Coffee and tea will be served so please bring your own cup. Everyone in attendance will be eligible to win one of four free tickets to the 10th anniversary celebration at Whistlings Gardens. For more information please check out our new website at