Geranium, Pelargonium and Fuchsia Society of Ontario General Meeting

Toronto Botanical Garden (TBG) 777 Lawrence Ave. East, Toronto, ON, Canada

Presentation by Bill Wilkinson: “Taking Cuttings”; a mini show; sale of specialty plants grown by members; election of officers; draw for a framed bunka-embroidered picture of flowers; penny raffle; and a holiday social when refreshments are served – a chance for members and guests to mingle, exchange ideas, ask questions, etc.


Plant Fair 2023: Parkdale & Toronto Horticultural Societies

Roncesvalles United Church 214 Wright Ave, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Plant Fair 2023: Parkdale & Toronto Horticultural Societies is pleased to announce the return of their much loved plant fair! Come one, come all.


Seedy Sunday

Parkinson Recreation Centre 1800 Parkinson Way, Kelowna, BC, Canada

Seedy Sunday is a part of hundreds of Seed Events across Canada in the late winter early spring, all set their tone and organizational ideas from Seeds of Diversity, who are dedicated to the preservation of endangered seeds and promotion of seed diversity. A portion of the $2 admission we charge goes to help support […]
