Garden Newsletter


Almost time to store dahlias

Beckie Fox

In Canada, at some point you’ll have a killing frost. That's your signal to dig up and store your dahlia tubers so you have plump, healthy tubers to replant next spring.

'Clair Matin' rose (Photo by Brendan Zwelling)

A few fall tasks to tackle

Beckie Fox

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and you may be busy stuffing a turkey, but if you do find time to enjoy your garden (and the weather cooperates), here are a few tasks Judith Adam would like you to consider. It’s always satisfying to get a head start on next year’s garden.


Time to plant peonies

Beckie Fox

Fall is the best time to move peonies if they needed to be moved. When planting new peonies, choose your site wisely because these are perennials that prefer to settle in and not be disturbed.

tulips in bloom at RBG

Tips for planting bulbs

Beckie Fox

This year, I’m determined not to wait until the coldest, windiest, wettest day to plant my bulbs. I’m an expert at bulb planting procrastination, and sometimes it's closer to Christmas than Thanksgiving when the last bulb is tucked in. To keep me motivated, I’m reviewing these “Bulb planting tips.”

Plant garlic cloves in fall. (Garden Making photo)

Nearly time to plant garlic

Beckie Fox

A few weeks ago, I harvested more than two dozen heads of garlic. I set aside eight of the largest heads to separate into individual cloves to plant in a few weeks — usually late October in my Zone 5 garden. This satisfying ritual has been on repeat for at least five years now.
