Garden Newsletter

Christmas cactus flower and buds. Photo by Brendan Adam-Zwelling

Caring for cyclamen and Christmas cactus

Beckie Fox

Our local florist is displaying pots of luscious cyclamen in all kinds of rosy shades, along with a few specimens of Christmas cactus.

Beautiful holiday container with berries, greens, pods and curly branches. (Garden Making photo)

Designing your container for winter

Beckie Fox

It’s time to bid farewell to our displays of mums and ornamental cabbages and think about designing winter containers. Whether you cut boughs and branches from your own garden or buy them at the local nursery, here are a few design ideas and practical considerations to keep in mind.

Fall cleanup continues

Beckie Fox

It’s a melancholy time in the garden. As we stand admiring the glowing amber and russet leaves while congratulating ourselves for planting new bulbs for next spring, we know winter weather is merely weeks away. Here are a few tasks to keep you outdoors in these last few golden days, most of which focus on putting those beautiful autumn leaves to good use.

'Geranium', a hybrid species rose. (Photo by Brendan Zwelling)

Caring for roses in autumn

Beckie Fox

As October ends, if you also grow roses, you might want to check out the recommendations in “Putting Roses to Bed.” Judith Adam describes a rose’s journey to dormancy and ways to help them survey a cold winter.

Deep blue monkshood with striking black stamens. (Photo by Brendan Zwelling)

Monkshoods worth the wait

Beckie Fox

Just when you think there’s nothing else left to bloom, the dramatic rich blue spires of monkshood fill your view. That is, if you had the foresight to plant this reliable Zone 3 perennial in your garden.
