January in the garden

Dahlias in summer 2017: Saving the tubers over the winter.

What to do when stored dahlia tubers sprout early?

Garden Making

Dahlia tubers that were put to bed in peat moss in the basement have started to send up shoots. Nick Vanderheide of Creekside Growers offers advice.

The garden delivers carrots. (Photo by woodleywonderworks [CC BY 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons)

Why are some of my carrots rotting?

Garden Making

Bob in Creston, B.C., asks why are his carrots rotting when he stores them in a cool basement. We ask author Niki Jabbour for advice on storing root crops.

Alpine strawberry. Photo from Richters.com

Growing alpine strawberries

Judith Adam

Sweet alpine strawberries are small intensely flavoured little berries also known as fraises des bois. The attractive perennial plants make good groundcover.

‘Vanderwolf’s Pyramid’ limber pine. Photo by Judith Adam

Long-needled pines

Judith Adam

When there’s a thin blanket of snow on the ground, I’m grateful for every conifer in my landscape, especially those with long soft needles.

Brightly coloured cyclamen (Photo from Pixabay)

Flowers in a cold season

Judith Adam

A cool, bright northwest exposure provides light on three sides for flowering winter plants. Pots of forced tulips and hyacinths are happy. Blooms last longer in the cool window.

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