Making a Garden

'Etna' rose (Photo by Brendan Zwelling)

Bare-root roses

Judith Adam

Time to order bare-root roses. Growers with their own propagation fields offer roses you might not find started in pots at a garden centre

Starting primroses from seed

Judith Adam

Starting primroses from seed doesn't always require complicated treatment to germinate. Judith Adam is enchanted by lovely old-fashioned kinds of primroses.

Laburnum tree in flower. Garden Making photo.

Global warming and plant hardiness

Garden Making

Despite the warming trend, borderline hardy plants in my garden continue to suffer winter damage. The apparent message for gardeners is that global warming hasn’t altered plant hardiness zone designations.

Winter protection helps roses survive winter. (Garden Making photo)

Hilling roses

Garden Making

Hilling roses isn’t meant to protect the wood above ground, but to ensure the vulnerable bud union won’t be exposed to severe freezing. Leaves can be good for hilling roses, providing you can keep them in place around the shrub.

Snow insulates plants but wind can be brutal. (Garden Making photo)

Winterizing woody plants

Judith Adam

Winterizing woody plants is necessary to prevent winter damage, or worse, outright death from cold. It’s useful to remember what wrapping is meant to do — block wind from fully impacting on the wrapped plant.
