Making a Garden

Japanese beetles march — and munch — on

Judith Adam

That crunching sound you hear is Japanese beetles making a meal of my roses. It’s hard to do an accurate count on beetles per square foot of garden

Time to order snowdrops

Judith Adam

Order snowdrops now to get them safely planted by the end of September. Snowdrop bulbs require early planting if they’re to flourish.

‘Golden Jubilee’ anise hyssop standing tall

Judith Adam

The ‘Golden Jubilee’ anise hyssop in my garden is standing straight, with no signs of stress or damage, and blooming like every day has been a piece of cake

Time for midsummer deadheading and pruning

Judith Adam

There’s still plenty of growing time left in the season, but some deadheading is necessary if plants are to resume good form and continue to bloom.

Yellow hostas shine on in the rain

Judith Adam

Most of the hostas are showing signs of abuse from the weather, but fortunately the yellow hostas have weathered the storms quite well.
