Beckie Fox

Daffodil on Garden Making Instagram by Gary Hall

Why don’t my daffodils re-bloom?

Beckie Fox

Pamela in Sarnia asks why the daffodils she plants each fall bloom the following spring but never again. Beckie provides tips on what's needed to re-bloom.

Yellow and white primroses paired with pink hellebores make a pretty spring container garden.

Spring garden container with pink and yellow

Beckie Fox

Your spring garden containers don’t always need to include tulips and daffodils for a pop of colour. Pair yellow and white primroses with pink hellebores.

A selection of foliage plants with contrasting textures and shapes adds interest to a shady corner.

Foliage shines in container plants for shade

Beckie Fox

Choose interesting foliage for container plants for shade. Use a combination of leaf shapes and textures to add beauty to a shady setting.

Choose containers that are practical and also suit your garden style.

How to choose garden pots

Beckie Fox

Before you think about what plants for container gardening, consider what garden pots you have on hand, what needs replacing and what you need to acquire.

Three stacked raised beds hold a selection of vegetables — a display garden at the 2016 Philadelphia Flower Show.

Up front with container gardening of vegetables

Beckie Fox

For container gardening with vegetables, if you have a sunny spot by your front steps, use stacked boxes to act as containers for growing a few vegetables.
