Garden Making

Red raspberry canes before pruning

How should raspberry canes be pruned?

Garden Making

A reader asks how to prune the canes of raspberries that produce in July, then a second crop in September/ October.

Hamamelis virginiana witchhazel is cold hardy for an Edmonton garden. (Photo by Vineland Nurseries

Where can I buy witch-hazel?

Garden Making

Hamamelis virginiana, our native witchhazel which blooms in fall, as well as H. vernalis are cold hardy for Edmonton.

Niki Jabbour's Veggie Garden Remix book cover 2018

Niki Jabbour’s Veggie Garden Remix says, “Try this!”

Garden Making

Niki Jabbour's new book, Veggie Garden Remix, encourages gardeners to try "238 New Plants to Shake Up Your Garden and Add Variety, Flavor, and Fun."

Dahlias in summer 2017: Saving the tubers over the winter.

What to do when stored dahlia tubers sprout early?

Garden Making

Dahlia tubers that were put to bed in peat moss in the basement have started to send up shoots. Nick Vanderheide of Creekside Growers offers advice.


Gardens working together to promote garden visits

Garden Making

10 destination gardens across Canada are networking with other gardens and local groups to promote garden visits as part of Growing Our Markets project.
