Meet the haskaps
Hardier and earlier than other berries, haskaps also bring their distinctive flavour to the table.
Hardier and earlier than other berries, haskaps also bring their distinctive flavour to the table.
We may garden for many different reasons, but one of the best of reasons is the camaraderie that we gain from having a passion for planting, writes Jodi DeLong.
If you still have some bulbs to plant, try growing them in containers indoors. Forcing bulbs provides mid-winter blooms.
Like most gardening addicts, Jodi DeLong has a deep and abiding love — some might call it an obsession — for gardening and plant books.
Christopher Lloyd planted Verbena bonariensis, commonly called tall verbena, at Great Dixter in England, and now Jodi DeLong enjoys it in Nova Scotia.