Feed the Birds book features 196 species

If you want to attract or identify birds in your garden, Feed the Birds could help. Designed as a resource for beginners as well as experienced birdwatchers, the book details 196 bird species attracted to backyard bird feeders with explanations about their behaviour and how they adapt to the environment. It also discusses a wide variety of feeders and seed types.

Feed the Birds by Chris Earley

Each profile of the 196 featured species includes a variety of photographs, an identification guide, a range map, information on bird seed and natural food preferences. Other topics include why feeding birds is important, how to build do-it-yourself feeders, foiling squirrels, attracting birds with natural foods and water, building shelters and nest boxes, involving children, photographing birds, recognizing individual birds and identifying similar-looking species, and growing plant varieties that make a garden attractive to birds.

The book also contains information on how to choose the right seeds and the importance of ensuring all windows are bird-safe.

The book is endorsed by the Canadian Wildlife Federation, a conservation-oriented organization with more than 250,000 members that fosters bird habitat and conservation.

The author, Chris Earley, is a zoologist and environmental biologist, and the interpretive biologist and education coordinator at The Arboretum, University of Guelph, in Ontario. His previous books include Falcons in the CityWarblers of the Great Lakes Region and Eastern North America, and Birds A to Z.

Order Feed the Birds book

Feed the Birds by Chris Earley is published by Firefly Books; 296 pages; $29.95 list price.

Buy Feed the Birds from ChaptersIndigo.ca

Buy Feed the Birds from Amazon.ca

Buy Feed the Birds from BookShop.org (only in U.S.; supports independent book sellers)

Draw to win a copy of Feed the Birds

The Garden Making May 2020 draw for a copy of the Feed the Birds book was won by Sue B. of Freelton, Ontario, whose entry was randomly selected from 480 entries. List of all draw winners.


2 responses to “Feed the Birds book features 196 species”

  1. S-P Willis Avatar

    Why are you promoting an American giant book store. There are many Canadian
    ones that need the business now.

    1. Michael Fox Avatar
      Michael Fox

      That’s a fair question. Let me explain. As we disclose on our site, when people order from Amazon we receive what’s called an affiliate marketing commission that provides some income to help us operate the website. When a book is available from a U.S.-based service called BookShop.org – that directs online orders to independent booksellers to fulfill – we provide their link and potentially can receive an affiliate fee. So far, the Book Shop.org service is not available in Canada.

      Personally, I order from Indigo and am a member at Indigo. We have tried to register as an affiliate at Indigo in the past, but not had any response. Your question will prompt me to try Indigo again. As soon as there is a credible Canadian-based bookseller that provides good service for customers and offers affiliate fees for sites such as Garden Making, we will promote them, too.

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