We asked nurseries, plant breeders and wholesalers, and seed companies to tell us about new plants they’re excited to offer to gardeners in 2015. We featured dozens of their top picks on four pages in Garden Making No. 21 Great Plants to Grow. We didn’t have room in the magazine for all of their recommendations, and have included more below.

From Ball FloraPlant, plant breeder and developer near Chicago, Ill. ballfloraplant.com
EnduraScape Series of verbenas
Purple, blue, lavender, pink, red and white annual verbenas that endure cool temperatures. Well-branched, sturdy plants that can hold their own in landscape settings as well as large containers. Mildew-resistant, too. Sun
Osteospermum Blue Eyed Beauty
A bicoloured Cape daisy—yellow with deep purple centres—make a bright addition to containers. Sun

From Goldenbrook Hostas in Blackstock, Ont. goldenbrookhostas.com
‘Mini Skirt’ hosta
A miniature hosta with thick, wavy, blue-green leaves with creamy yellow margins in spring. In summer, the centre becomes more green and the edge lightens to creamy white. Pale lavender flowers with deeper purple stripes appear on short scapes in early to midsummer. Great in troughs or near the edge of the border where it can be seen. Part sun; Zone 3

From The Green Spot in Brandon, Man. greenspotbrandon.com
SunSparkler Firecracker sedum
A carpet of glossy, cherry-red foliage with brilliant pink, five-inch (13-cm) flower clusters from mid to late summer. Firecracker makes an excellent groundcover, and is denser and more strongly branched than Cherry Tart sedum. Sun; Zone 3

From J.C. Bakker & Sons in St. Catharines, Ont. jcbakker.com
Spilled Wine weigela
Dark purple, wavy leaves and hot-pink flowers on plants with a spreading habit — two feet (60 cm) tall and three feet (90 cm) wide. Sun; Zone 5

From Lost Horizons in Acton, Ont. losthorizons.ca
Syneilesis ‘Pink Fizz’
A perennial shade plant with fuzzy green, cut-leaf, umbrella-shaped foliage that emerges in spring. Later in the season, it’s topped with long stems of feathery pink hairy flowers. Part sun; Zone 5
Clematis recta ‘Serious Black’
A striking bush-type clematis with dark purple leaves that develops into an imposing five- to six-foot (1.5- to 1.8-m), self-supporting clump of intertwining stems full of ivory blooms. Sun or part sun; Zone 4
From Phoenix Perennials and Specialty Plants in Richmond, B.C. www.phoenixperennials.com
‘Chocolate Shogun’ astilbe
A rich, burgundy-leaved astilbe with foliage reminiscent of the bugbane, Actaea ‘Brunette’. Light pink flowers. Part sun; Zone 5
Astrantia major ‘Star of Magic’
A masterwort with deep pink-red flowers and variegated foliage. Part sun; Zone 4
From Rideau Woodland Ramble in Merrickville, Ont. rideauwoodlandramble.com
Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’
This perennial makes a dramatic statement as it emerges in spring with large, bright gold leaves. In sun, the foliage remains bright gold throughout the summer; in full shade, it’s chartreuse to lime green. The 24-inch (60-cm)-tall plant brightens up the shade garden and provide hostas with an interesting companion. Zone 4

From Vineland Nurseries in Beamsville, Ont. vinelandnurseries.com
Schizophragma hydrangeoides Rose Sensation
A distinctive vine for woodland settings in part sun. This Japanese climbing hydrangea selection from Proven Winners has large, deep pink petals (sepals) in June and July. Zone 4

Hydrangea macrophylla Red Sensation
A selection of the Next Generation Series of hydrangeas developed by Ball Ornamental. A rebloomer producing up to seven-inch (18-cm)-wide red mophead flowers from spring to fall. Height is two to three feet (60 to 90 cm). Part sun; Zone 4