Feed lawns later in spring
It’s better to feed lawns later in spring. Early spring feedings work against the lawn’s more informed instinct to grow roots before blades.
It’s better to feed lawns later in spring. Early spring feedings work against the lawn’s more informed instinct to grow roots before blades.
Lavender is frequently among the group of containers I set out each spring, and I’m picky about which lavenders I choose. Lavender flowers are long lasting.
First thing into the gardening journal was a list of all my seeds. I’ll keep track of progress in my gardening journal, and jot down any new ideas.
Short and early iris are lovely plants. The flowers are as tempting as their tall bearded cousins, but without the danger of toppling over in wind and rain.
Gardeners rush outdoors as soon as the weather warms. But go slow. Do some warm ups. Advice for stretches for gardeners before you spring into action.