4 fabulous ways to harvest homegrown garlic
Among the healthiest foods we can eat, homegrown garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Garlic can be enjoyed four ways: as young or mature bulbs, scapes and greens.
Among the healthiest foods we can eat, homegrown garlic is antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. Garlic can be enjoyed four ways: as young or mature bulbs, scapes and greens.
Container gardening, Making a Garden
Containers with plants placed where it’s hot needed sun-proofing. Here’s what you can do to protect from the sun.
I went to the official opening of a new site at Evergreen Brick Works in Toronto this week. The design of Gloria Perez and Jessica … Read more
Making a Garden, September in the Garden
Lawns will forgive a summer of neglect if you’ll do something good for them in autumn. Here are three key tips for lawns this fall.
By feeding soil, we then let the soil feed the plants. The best way to feed soil is to add leaves (dug in or as mulch).