XXL Veracruz dahlia

XXL Veracruz dahlia

Key facts about XXL Veracruz dahlia

  • 22-60 in (55-60 cm) tall, 35-26 in (64-66 cm) wide
  • Part to full sun

The two-tone flowers on this mid-height dahlia would tie in well with white and violet colour schemes. Remove flowers as they fade to keep plants blooming throughout the season.—Beckie Fox, Garden Making

More info:

Bred by Dummen, the compact plants have large double blooms—their diameter is more common on taller varieties. The plants will perform well in a container, just make sure it’s at least 12 inches (30 cm) diameter. Dahlias make good cut flowers, too.

No. 8 of 15 New Plants for 2012

This is one of 15 new and noteworthy plants for 2012 showcased in the Garden Making feature garden at Canada Blooms 2012.

[button link=”https://gardenmaking.com/category/new-plants-2012/”]View all 15 new plants for 2012[/button]

New plants are tested for local growing conditions in trial gardens such as at the University of Guelph.


2 responses to “XXL Veracruz dahlia”

  1. Marion Patino Avatar
    Marion Patino

    If planted in a garden, will this plant come up every year

  2. Jackie Avatar

    If planted in a garden, will this plant come up every year.

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